Moving Mountains: Accelerating Innovations in
the Era of Green Transitions
We specialize in helping businesses to unlock their full potential by introducing cutting-edge technologies and strategies.
We have a proven track record of successfully implementing innovative solutions and we build relationships between companies, scientific institutions and tech-startups that improve performance and drive growth.
We take a holistic approach to innovation, considering not just the latest trends and technologies, but also the unique opportunities of each individual business.
A winning transformation strategy balances today's need with tomorrow's opportunities.
We are proud of our projects and the development work we do together with customers and partners across industries.
We deliver projects that contribute to growth and involve the innovative aspects of the sustainable agenda. Contact us if you are curious about what innovation and digitization are and what collaboration can mean for your business.
What questions should we dare to ask each other about the future of business? What must we dare to do, know and bet on in order to stay competitive and adapt to sustainability market demands?
Explore our latest thinking and content on the trends and technologies shaping the future of business. We examine the innovative forces and technologies that are bearing down on leaders across industries, so that they can understand challenges and opportunities.

About Sentio Lab
Sentio Lab was established in 2009 by Anja Hoffmann. Sentio Lab help companies develop their businesses. We bring innovative and technological expertise and new perspectives that challenge the status quo. Our goal is to provide our clients with the tools, insights, and strategies they need to stay ahead of competition and thrive in today’s complex business landscape.
Identify untapped potentials and turn ideas into reality!
Innovation is the key to unlocking new opportunities, creating value, and achieving long-term success. Together with our clients, from tech-startups to top industrial leaders, we create a foundation for the utilization of their digital potentials and new business opportunities.
Since innovation is a complex, industry-wide endeavor, it requires a set of crosscutting practices and competences to create breakthrough products, services, and processes.
Collaboration - The secret behind successful transformation
Innovative companies have long understood the fact that the jungle of advanced technologies and new business models is a collaborative game. Technology is one of the biggest factors driving any type of innovation across industries today. To explore the role that technologies play in achieving growth and sustainability, we collaborate with universities, startups, and industry partners.
Stay ahead in a rapidly changing world. Contact us and let’s collaborate to transform!
With over 10 years of experience, we have customers from many different industries, from transport, recycling, IT and production. If you are interested in learning more about our experience in specific industries, please contact us for more information about who and how we have helped other companies.

Transport and logistics



Making growth happen: Bridging the gap between sustainability and innovation
Innovation is the development of ideas and their realization in practice. Innovation can be based on new combinations of technologies, new knowledge, new forms of collaboration or the introduction of new and more sustainable products on the market.
When we work with innovation and business development, we work closely with practice to bring ideas to life, which create value for companies. Together with customers and business partners, we create new perspectives on problems when we take the first steps in relation to breaking habitual thinking in value and supply chains.
It is not about who got the idea for a collaboration. It's about how we innovate together across ecosystems and contribute to better and more sustainable solutions.